Your Top 10 Marketing Tips are Below
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Or scroll thru this page to listen or read each tip!
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Come up with 15 new hashtags. Put “your service + your city”, then “your city + your service”.
Come up with however many versions of those suggestions you can get, whether it can be surrounding suburbs or neighborhoods, whether it's the city, whether it's a broader area or a narrow area.
So for instance, I live in Nashville. So it'd be #NashvilleLashes, #NashvilleEyelashExtensions, #EyelashExtensionsNashville, #LashesNashville
Then I can go to suburbs of Nashville to add more location+service hashtags to my list: #FranklinLashes, #LashesFranklin, #FranklinEyelashExtensions, #EyelashExtensionsFranklin, #BrentwoodEyelashExtensions, #EyelashExtensionsBrentwood.
And just keep going through that until you come up with 10-15 hashtags or until you've run out of different combinations for local suburbs that make sense.
If you still need more ideas for hashtags, think about other services that are similar to what you offer or what your target client might be doing/researching online. Maybe #CrossFitNashville, #NashvilleCrossFit, #YogaNashville, #NashvilleYoga, #NashvilleYogi, #NashvilleInstagrammers, #FranklinInstagrammers, #NashvilleCoffee, #CoffeeNashville, until you have 15 new hashtags that you can try out on every single post to start to get more NEW eyes on your posts.
Write down your entire current client list. That's right. Everybody who's a client of yours, who's come in at least two times consistently (we'll consider those a regular client of yours). Write them all down on a list. I want you to keep this list nearby where you check your clients out, so that the next time they come in for an appointment, you remember to be intentional about asking them if they have any friends or family who might be interested in coming in for services and then hand them two business cards of yours.
You can even take it a step further and say, "Hey, I want to run a special just for you. I will give your friends or whoever brings in this card with your name on it, $20 off their next full set. And then I'd be happy to give you $10 off your next service for referring them".
Be intentional about asking your current clientele for referrals. Having a list next to where you check out your clients is going to help remind you and keep you accountable to this new way of marketing your business.
If you’re hesitant when it comes to asking for these referrals... then start with a few clients that you’re the most comfortable with and just start with them and ask them for a referral, and see how many new clients you have from month to month just by doing this little practice of being intentional about asking for referrals. The more consistent you are in asking for referrals - the more referrals and new clients you’ll start to attract.
Research real estate agents or big apartment complexes near you.
Google search big apartment communities that have at least a few dozen units/apartments. These bigger communities usually have an apartment manager/leasing agent and/or a reception area where you can promote your local business to the residents. You may even be able to post in their elevators or near the mailboxes to promote how close your business is to where they live. Find the main point of contact (either name and email or primary phone number)
I also want you to find the contact info for either a real estate agent (or two!) that has great online reviews (and thus is actively marketing themselves), or even a newer/small time real estate agent that is just getting started.
Once you’ve identified these businesses and find a point of contact (like the apartment manager, leasing agent, managing partner or the real estate agent themself or their receptionist) reach out to introduce yourself and a brief statement about the type of services you offer and ask if you can leave a gift for new residents or new home buyers with your information and a small gift.
Whenever somebody is moving, like buying a house or moving into a new apartment, they're likely new to the immediate area and looking for new service providers. A lot of agents and larger communities have some sort of welcome packet or basket as a thank you for the new tenants/homeowners and often local businesses can contribute something to the basket to help the agent fill the basket so the agent doesn’t have to fill the basket out of pocket.
I recommend including some sort of discount or some sort of gift with your marketing material. It's a small marketing expense for you - but can leave a great impact on a potential new customer. Even a $5 Starbucks gift card and your business card or handwritten letter welcoming the new resident to the area and that you’d love for them to come try out XYZ service for XX off or a free service product with any appointment over $XX - it can be as simple as that. This is a great strategy for you to get in front of new customers who are on the search for new service providers that are local to them.
Marketing tip number four is also a time saving hack. Let's say you've been on Instagram for at least three months (or Facebook, this strategy works for Facebook as well), I want you to repurpose a previous post at least once a week - which means that you are not creating any new images or captions. You are just taking a post from 8-12 weeks ago and posting the exact same post again.
The lifespan of a post is maybe an hour or two on social media if it’s really good and you hit engagement right on the head. But chances are, your followers haven't seen hardly any of your posts in the past, given that organic reach, at least on Instagram, is still anywhere from 1-3%. That means if you have 100 followers, only about 1-3 people have really engaged or paid attention to any given post.
So let's face it, any post that was a week ago - much less 8-12 weeks ago, no one’s going to remember it. So repurposing past posts is a really quick and easy way for you to be more consistent in your posts without creating more work on your plate or taking any additional time for you to post consistently on social media.
A next level strategy for this is to look back through your Instagram Insights at any of your top performing posts and prioritize repurposing those first. These posts are most likely to have the same type of higher engagement again since your followers have already shown they liked that content previously.
So you'll have 1-3 posts a week that are fresh new content like before and afters, lifestyle, behind the scenes, inspirational or educational posts and then you'll use 1-2 posts a week that are repurposed that don't require you to have to create anything new.
Add an FAQ page to your website. Generally, FAQs are either in the form of a blog where each FAQ is answered in long/blog format and each question is it’s own blog post OR an FAQ page can be its own standalone page on your website where it's a list of FAQ's with the answers right below the question in short form answers (think 2-3 sentence answers).
A shorter/condensed FAQ section could also be on your services page with frequently asked questions right below the list of services you offer.
You want to get really basic with the FAQs you share because you are the expert, whether you've been a lash artist for 10 minutes or 10 years, you have more knowledge about what the service is than your average client (or the general public) does. So, you can get real basic with the questions like:
- What are eyelash extensions made of?
- Do you cut my lashes?
- How long do they last?
- Will extensions damage my natural lashes?
- Do extensions hurt?
- How long is the appointment?
Think about the most common questions that somebody who has never had lashes before might ask you and start to answer those. Think back to when you didn't know what eyelash extensions were, what were the types of questions you had? Create an FAQ page on your website that helps to educate somebody visiting your website.
If you're not sure of what questions to answer - start to Google what types of questions you think people might ask, and you'll see “related searches” pop up on the Google page of what other people might be asking that's similar to your question.
So if you go Google: “what are eyelash extensions made of?” You'll find other related questions on the google results page under: “People Also Ask...”, and that can help you start a database of FAQ's if you're completely clueless on what FAQs potential customers have.
A next level strategy would be to use that same question and that same answer as your next social media post.
Know what makes you different than the 30 other lash artists in a five-mile radius.
Now, maybe your market isn't that saturated, maybe it is. Even if it's just one other person you’re in competition with, you need to know what makes you different than them. This is what's going to be huge on you not constantly competing on price
Your price may be one thing that makes you different, but it's not the ONLY thing. The easiest way to know what makes you different than another lash artist in the area is … what pisses you off about their work? What makes you frustrated when their work comes in and you are asked to work on it or fix it? Or what you see/hear/read about their business online or in their reveiews.
Now, maybe their work is better than yours, but maybe you hear that they take longer.
Maybe their appointments are shorter and they’re cutting corners or rushing through someone’s “me time”.
Maybe they have a different vibe than you.
Maybe they're targeting younger people and you want the older/more mature population.
There is something that's unique about every single lash artist in your city and the more you can tune in to the things that make you different, that make you the expert in one area or specialty, no matter how good or bad you think you are in comparison to your competition, THAT is what's going to make you stand out and what's going to help you to attract the clients that value what you have to offer and what makes you different.
Every time you get a new follower, I want you to be discerning in who they are.
Are they somebody that is a potential customer? If yes - Great!
Reach out to them thru a DM. Send them a quick message saying, "Hey, thanks for following my page! I post lots of educational content about the services I offer, inspirational tips on XYZ and occasionally different promotions or sales we might be running. “ (Or whatever it is that your page shares in regards to your business).
Then wrap up the message with "If you ever have any questions about XYZ services, feel free to DM me. I'd love to help you learn more about XYZ service and how it can benefit you."
If they are a follower, who you're pretty sure will never be a customer of yours, go ahead and remove or block that follower as they are just going to be problematic for your potential customers to see your posts in the future.
Do an audit of your website and count how many times you talk about yourself, I, or your name.
Your marketing should always be focused on the CUSTOMER.
Your website is no different and should always be about your customer. They don't care about who you are until they know that you can help them. So, make it ALL about them.
They don't care how you became a lash artist, that you were so lost before lashes, that you were the captain of the cheer team in high school.
They don't give two $h!t$ about you until you can help them solve their pain points and problems first.
So, make it all about them and how you can help them with their pain points, their problems, and help them to achieve their desired results. Make your website and marketing all about them and remove YOU from the equation (unless you are directly speaking to how you can help them).
Include your face in more social media posts/stories/reels so people can get to know the person behind the business.
Whether it's posts, whether it's stories, I bet you'll find, just like most of my students, when you post more of yourself, you will get more engagement.
So, post pictures of you. You can take tons of photos of yourself, of you working, the behind the scenes, you sharing a video or tip straight to camera
The more you can show up as you, the more connection people will have with YOU. Thus, they'll create more trust and loyalty to YOU rather than just some random Instagram business page or a logo or a picture of some random woman’s zoomed in eyeball.
Social media is a SOCIAL platform where people go to CONNECT with others, build trust in someone’s expertise in their field, and find entertainment in who they follow. Hard to meet those needs in a potential customer when YOU are never a part of the content you share.
YOU are one competitive advantage you have that your competition can’t ever compete with - they don’t have a YOU in their business to share funny stories, share behind the scenes and YOUR take on what goes on with the business, the clients, the results, how you are different in your approach to your services, and just being the human behind the brand.
Make sure that you have a Google My Business page set up as well as a Yelp account if that's something that's utilized in your city. Make a list of clients you know love you and what you offer, who will leave you a good review, and ask them to leave you a review of their experience.
In my business, every time I sent a client their before and after photos, it was always followed up with links on where they could leave their reviews and a mention to tag me in any post that they share of these photos on social media.
By asking for the review from clients that you know will leave you a good review, you minimize the chance of a bad review being left because somebody's upset and you also tend to drown out any bad reviews because of the volume of good reviews you have. No need to ask clients who are indifferent about you, your business or their results or who have a history of being upset or you’re concerned they won’t be complimentary in their reviews.
Make it a practice to ask for somebody to leave you a review when they have a great experience or rave about their results.
Come up with 15 new hashtags. Put “your service + your city”, then “your city + your service”.
Come up with however many versions of those suggestions you can get, whether it can be surrounding suburbs or neighborhoods, whether it's the city, whether it's a broader area or a narrow area.
So for instance, I live in Nashville. So it'd be #NashvilleLashes, #NashvilleEyelashExtensions, #EyelashExtensionsNashville, #LashesNashville
Then I can go to suburbs of Nashville to add more location+service hashtags to my list: #FranklinLashes, #LashesFranklin, #FranklinEyelashExtensions, #EyelashExtensionsFranklin, #BrentwoodEyelashExtensions, #EyelashExtensionsBrentwood.
And just keep going through that until you come up with 10-15 hashtags or until you've run out of different combinations for local suburbs that make sense.
If you still need more ideas for hashtags, think about other services that are similar to what you offer or what your target client might be doing/researching online. Maybe #CrossFitNashville, #NashvilleCrossFit, #YogaNashville, #NashvilleYoga, #NashvilleYogi, #NashvilleInstagrammers, #FranklinInstagrammers, #NashvilleCoffee, #CoffeeNashville, until you have 15 new hashtags that you can try out on every single post to start to get more NEW eyes on your posts.
Write down your entire current client list. That's right. Everybody who's a client of yours, who's come in at least two times consistently (we'll consider those a regular client of yours). Write them all down on a list. I want you to keep this list nearby where you check your clients out, so that the next time they come in for an appointment, you remember to be intentional about asking them if they have any friends or family who might be interested in coming in for services and then hand them two business cards of yours.
You can even take it a step further and say, "Hey, I want to run a special just for you. I will give your friends or whoever brings in this card with your name on it, $20 off their next full set. And then I'd be happy to give you $10 off your next service for referring them".
Be intentional about asking your current clientele for referrals. Having a list next to where you check out your clients is going to help remind you and keep you accountable to this new way of marketing your business.
If you’re hesitant when it comes to asking for these referrals... then start with a few clients that you’re the most comfortable with and just start with them and ask them for a referral, and see how many new clients you have from month to month just by doing this little practice of being intentional about asking for referrals. The more consistent you are in asking for referrals - the more referrals and new clients you’ll start to attract.
Research real estate agents or big apartment complexes near you.
Google search big apartment communities that have at least a few dozen units/apartments. These bigger communities usually have an apartment manager/leasing agent and/or a reception area where you can promote your local business to the residents. You may even be able to post in their elevators or near the mailboxes to promote how close your business is to where they live. Find the main point of contact (either name and email or primary phone number)
I also want you to find the contact info for either a real estate agent (or two!) that has great online reviews (and thus is actively marketing themselves), or even a newer/small time real estate agent that is just getting started.
Once you’ve identified these businesses and find a point of contact (like the apartment manager, leasing agent, managing partner or the real estate agent themself or their receptionist) reach out to introduce yourself and a brief statement about the type of services you offer and ask if you can leave a gift for new residents or new home buyers with your information and a small gift.
Whenever somebody is moving, like buying a house or moving into a new apartment, they're likely new to the immediate area and looking for new service providers. A lot of agents and larger communities have some sort of welcome packet or basket as a thank you for the new tenants/homeowners and often local businesses can contribute something to the basket to help the agent fill the basket so the agent doesn’t have to fill the basket out of pocket.
I recommend including some sort of discount or some sort of gift with your marketing material. It's a small marketing expense for you - but can leave a great impact on a potential new customer. Even a $5 Starbucks gift card and your business card or handwritten letter welcoming the new resident to the area and that you’d love for them to come try out XYZ service for XX off or a free service product with any appointment over $XX - it can be as simple as that. This is a great strategy for you to get in front of new customers who are on the search for new service providers that are local to them.
Marketing tip number four is also a time saving hack. Let's say you've been on Instagram for at least three months (or Facebook, this strategy works for Facebook as well), I want you to repurpose a previous post at least once a week - which means that you are not creating any new images or captions. You are just taking a post from 8-12 weeks ago and posting the exact same post again.
The lifespan of a post is maybe an hour or two on social media if it’s really good and you hit engagement right on the head. But chances are, your followers haven't seen hardly any of your posts in the past, given that organic reach, at least on Instagram, is still anywhere from 1-3%. That means if you have 100 followers, only about 1-3 people have really engaged or paid attention to any given post.
So let's face it, any post that was a week ago - much less 8-12 weeks ago, no one’s going to remember it. So repurposing past posts is a really quick and easy way for you to be more consistent in your posts without creating more work on your plate or taking any additional time for you to post consistently on social media.
A next level strategy for this is to look back through your Instagram Insights at any of your top performing posts and prioritize repurposing those first. These posts are most likely to have the same type of higher engagement again since your followers have already shown they liked that content previously.
So you'll have 1-3 posts a week that are fresh new content like before and afters, lifestyle, behind the scenes, inspirational or educational posts and then you'll use 1-2 posts a week that are repurposed that don't require you to have to create anything new.
Add an FAQ page to your website. Generally, FAQs are either in the form of a blog where each FAQ is answered in long/blog format and each question is it’s own blog post OR an FAQ page can be its own standalone page on your website where it's a list of FAQ's with the answers right below the question in short form answers (think 2-3 sentence answers).
A shorter/condensed FAQ section could also be on your services page with frequently asked questions right below the list of services you offer.
You want to get really basic with the FAQs you share because you are the expert, whether you've been a lash artist for 10 minutes or 10 years, you have more knowledge about what the service is than your average client (or the general public) does. So, you can get real basic with the questions like:
- What are eyelash extensions made of?
- Do you cut my lashes?
- How long do they last?
- Will extensions damage my natural lashes?
- Do extensions hurt?
- How long is the appointment?
Think about the most common questions that somebody who has never had lashes before might ask you and start to answer those. Think back to when you didn't know what eyelash extensions were, what were the types of questions you had? Create an FAQ page on your website that helps to educate somebody visiting your website.
If you're not sure of what questions to answer - start to Google what types of questions you think people might ask, and you'll see “related searches” pop up on the Google page of what other people might be asking that's similar to your question.
So if you go Google: “what are eyelash extensions made of?” You'll find other related questions on the google results page under: “People Also Ask...”, and that can help you start a database of FAQ's if you're completely clueless on what FAQs potential customers have.
A next level strategy would be to use that same question and that same answer as your next social media post.
Know what makes you different than the 30 other lash artists in a five-mile radius.
Now, maybe your market isn't that saturated, maybe it is. Even if it's just one other person you’re in competition with, you need to know what makes you different than them. This is what's going to be huge on you not constantly competing on price
Your price may be one thing that makes you different, but it's not the ONLY thing. The easiest way to know what makes you different than another lash artist in the area is … what pisses you off about their work? What makes you frustrated when their work comes in and you are asked to work on it or fix it? Or what you see/hear/read about their business online or in their reveiews.
Now, maybe their work is better than yours, but maybe you hear that they take longer.
Maybe their appointments are shorter and they’re cutting corners or rushing through someone’s “me time”.
Maybe they have a different vibe than you.
Maybe they're targeting younger people and you want the older/more mature population.
There is something that's unique about every single lash artist in your city and the more you can tune in to the things that make you different, that make you the expert in one area or specialty, no matter how good or bad you think you are in comparison to your competition, THAT is what's going to make you stand out and what's going to help you to attract the clients that value what you have to offer and what makes you different.
Every time you get a new follower, I want you to be discerning in who they are.
Are they somebody that is a potential customer? If yes - Great!
Reach out to them thru a DM. Send them a quick message saying, "Hey, thanks for following my page! I post lots of educational content about the services I offer, inspirational tips on XYZ and occasionally different promotions or sales we might be running. “ (Or whatever it is that your page shares in regards to your business).
Then wrap up the message with "If you ever have any questions about XYZ services, feel free to DM me. I'd love to help you learn more about XYZ service and how it can benefit you."
If they are a follower, who you're pretty sure will never be a customer of yours, go ahead and remove or block that follower as they are just going to be problematic for your potential customers to see your posts in the future.
Do an audit of your website and count how many times you talk about yourself, I, or your name.
Your marketing should always be focused on the CUSTOMER.
Your website is no different and should always be about your customer. They don't care about who you are until they know that you can help them. So, make it ALL about them.
They don't care how you became a lash artist, that you were so lost before lashes, that you were the captain of the cheer team in high school.
They don't give two $h!t$ about you until you can help them solve their pain points and problems first.
So, make it all about them and how you can help them with their pain points, their problems, and help them to achieve their desired results. Make your website and marketing all about them and remove YOU from the equation (unless you are directly speaking to how you can help them).
Include your face in more social media posts/stories/reels so people can get to know the person behind the business.
Whether it's posts, whether it's stories, I bet you'll find, just like most of my students, when you post more of yourself, you will get more engagement.
So, post pictures of you. You can take tons of photos of yourself, of you working, the behind the scenes, you sharing a video or tip straight to camera
The more you can show up as you, the more connection people will have with YOU. Thus, they'll create more trust and loyalty to YOU rather than just some random Instagram business page or a logo or a picture of some random woman’s zoomed in eyeball.
Social media is a SOCIAL platform where people go to CONNECT with others, build trust in someone’s expertise in their field, and find entertainment in who they follow. Hard to meet those needs in a potential customer when YOU are never a part of the content you share.
YOU are one competitive advantage you have that your competition can’t ever compete with - they don’t have a YOU in their business to share funny stories, share behind the scenes and YOUR take on what goes on with the business, the clients, the results, how you are different in your approach to your services, and just being the human behind the brand.
Make sure that you have a Google My Business page set up as well as a Yelp account if that's something that's utilized in your city. Make a list of clients you know love you and what you offer, who will leave you a good review, and ask them to leave you a review of their experience.
In my business, every time I sent a client their before and after photos, it was always followed up with links on where they could leave their reviews and a mention to tag me in any post that they share of these photos on social media.
By asking for the review from clients that you know will leave you a good review, you minimize the chance of a bad review being left because somebody's upset and you also tend to drown out any bad reviews because of the volume of good reviews you have. No need to ask clients who are indifferent about you, your business or their results or who have a history of being upset or you’re concerned they won’t be complimentary in their reviews.
Make it a practice to ask for somebody to leave you a review when they have a great experience or rave about their results.
Ready to Take Your Marketing a Step Further?
Inside of this hour long class, you'll learn...
- The 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES to Everybody Makes in Business and WHY they're Costing you Clients
- How Successful Businesses Build a Clientele Consistently
- How to Keep Money in your Business and in your Pocket
- And How to Create Financial and Time Freedom to Live the LIFESTYLE you Want as a Business Owner without Endlessly Discounting or Competing on Price
Ready to Take Your Marketing a Step Further?
Inside of this hour long class, you'll learn...